Second call for UK InCubed proposals is out
Applications open
UK organisations interested in submitting a proposal to InCubed must submit a completed application form by email to the UK Space Agency Earth Observation Team at by 5PM Friday 17th August 2018, in order to be considered in this round of evaluations by the Agency; applications received after this time will not be considered in this round.
Following evaluation of the submitted proposals, organisations can expect to be contacted mid-September regarding whether they have been successful and they may proceed with submission of an outline proposal to ESA. In this round of evaluations UKSA expects to select one or two proposals, allocating a total investment of around 1.5MEUR to the co-funded project(s). N.B. UKSA approval does not guarantee funding, as successful projects must also complete the ESA evaluation process.
To get access to the application form and further details on the application process and timescale visit this page.

What the UK will Support
Companies or consortia applying to ESA for InCubed funding require the support of their national delegation – which is the UK Space Agency for UK organisations. InCubed proposals from international consortia including a UK element are welcome, but not a requirement. Note that whilst UKSA will need to understand the full scope of the project proposed, UKSA funding approval will cover UK elements only; other ESA member states may have their own processes for approving their respective contributions. UKSA is keen to support projects with a significant degree of technological innovation through InCubed; projects focusing solely on delivery of new EO-related services should consider whether an ESA Business Applications project would be more appropriate – which is also supported by a substantial UK subscription.
For further information and discussion on any potential project ideas with UK applicants and how they might align with the InCubed programme, interest parties are encouraged to contact Alasdair Gow, Industrial Sector Lead for Earth Observation, on
InCubed is intended to be the final tranche of funding required to commercialise a technology, or helping to create a new kind market where none existed previously. To learn more about InCubed progamme access this page.