ESA title


Space Segment
  • Payload
Data Segment
  • Data Processing & Visualisation
  • Data Analytics, Insights & Applications
  • Product Development
Insight4EO is a solution for Earth Observation LEO missions that provides innovative on-board processing and intelligence services.
Objectives of the Product

Traditional EO satellites lack on-board data processing, relying on ground-based chains for data acquisition, causing bottlenecks in timely product generation. Our goal is to resolve this by revolutionising data handling and processing.

Customers face dilemmas regarding inefficient data acquisition, high costs, and ineffective utilisation of acquired data. Insight4EO aims to provide an innovative solution by leveraging satellite constellations and advanced analytics to enhance spatial/temporal resolution while reducing reliance on traditional, costly data download approaches. This solution streamlines the data pipeline, optimising the delivery of actionable insights while minimising unnecessary data transfer.

The key focus is maximising Return on Investment (ROI) for EO missions by prioritising valuable data. We intend to create a platform that distinguishes valuable data in real-time, facilitating immediate utilisation of critical information (e.g., real-time emergencies) and efficient cataloguing for change detection. Our approach involves redefining data handling methods to ensure that only relevant, valuable data are processed and transmitted, meeting varied user needs efficiently. Through this, Insight4EO aims to empower users with cost-effective, timely, and actionable EO products.

Customers and their Needs

The space industry is always looking for innovative products and developments that provide efficient solutions, which reduce cost, effort and improve the result, among other needs, such as:

  • Reach goals of EO missions within budget limitations
  • Improve capabilities of national / European EO industry
  • Maximise amount of useful data received from EO satellites
  • Maximise returns of EO satellites
  • Minimise time from tasking order to receiving useful data from satellite
  • Maximise amount of useful data received from EO satellites
  • Minimise cost of operations
  • Improve value proposition of EO satellite systems

Targeted customer/users countries

Insight4EO serves diverse customer segments in Earth Observation (EO):

  • Institutional Customers: Government-linked bodies, public entities, and non- profits sponsor missions for scientific or organisational goals within limited budgets, seeking risk mitigation and industry support.
  • Commercial EO Satellite Operators: Private entities aim to maximise revenue and minimise costs. Insight4EO enhances satellite value and reduces ground operation expenses by shifting intelligence to satellites.
  • EO Core Systems Providers: Private entities developing EO satellite systems seek business success. Insight4EO improves system value and efficiency.

These segments prioritise mission success within budgets, revenue generation, and operational efficiency. Institutional customers and Commercial EO operators integrate Insight4EO, while EO core systems providers incorporate it into their offerings.

Added Value

Insight4EO’s value proposition is centered on optimising the data handling and processing for Earth Observation missions, improving the timeliness of data delivery, and reducing the overhead on both data transmission and ground processing. This leads to more efficient mission management and potentially lowers operational costs, which could make EO missions more competitive and effective.

On-board Processing (Feature F1):

  • Up to 90% data reduction in download to the ground.
  • Reduced time from tasking to data delivery.
  • Reduced requirements on ground data processing.

Autonomous Re-planning of Tasking (Feature F2):

  • Reduced time from tasking to data delivery.
  • Improved mission efficiency thanks to autonomous re-tasking of unattractive images.
  • Reduced requirement on mission control staff and tasking procedures.

Re-configurable Data Handling (Feature F3):

  • Improved efficiency of EO missions.
  • Improved competitiveness of EO systems providers.
  • Improved competitiveness of EO systems providers.

Easily Integrated Configurations (Feature F4):

  • Improved efficiency of EO missions and satellite operations.
  • Up to 90% data reduction in download to the ground.
  • Reduced time from tasking to data delivery.

Current Status

The Onboard processing up to L1b is at TRL 9, while the rest of capabilities will be TRL 9 by H2 2025 with a planned IOD.

Prime Contractor Company
Deimos Engineering and Systems
Spain Flag Spain
Contractor Project Manager
Marta Borrás
C/ Padre Tomás de Montañana, 16, Entlo. 46023 - Valencia
+34 628 61 04 08

ESA Technical Officer
Nicola Melega

Current activities