This list has only information purposes to increase overall awareness. The Agency assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content of this page. The information contained is provided with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy, usefulness or timeliness. It may refer to external sites over which the Agency has no control. It does not constitute a professional or legal opinion, and entities willing to work with InCubed are not bound to use any of these resources.
If you think something is missing from the list or should be updated, feel free to contact the InCubed team.
EO datasets and service resources from other ESA programmes and initiatives
- Third Party Missions (TPM) programme: Currently comprises over 50 EU and non-EU missions with data sourced from more than 60 instruments, supplied to users for research and development purposes. ESA promotes the availability of these third-party datasets through a single programme for ease of access. The allocation of data through TPM depends on budget limited to availability.
- Network of Resources Initiative (NoR): provides non-commercial and commercial users with a unique environment to discover European cloud services and their estimate costs for Earth Observation exploitation. ESA offers sponsorship to eligible activities to cover (partially) the costs of trying out various services. EO providers can apply to be included in the NoR Portfolio by replying to its dedicated open call. For ESA projects, this offer is subject to ESA Technical Officer approval.
- ESA Φ-lab partnerships: Collaborating with Φ-lab and InCubed via contract gives you privileged access to product and services enabling your development, e.g. commercial EO data, Cloud Computing, and much more. The list of partners and associated offers are available in the partnership page.
Copernicus Data and Information Access Services
Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem:
DIAS (Data and Information Access Service) providers:
- Creotech (PL) with cloud provider CloudFerro (PL):
- Serco (IT) with cloud provider OVH (FR):
- Airbus (FR) with cloud provider Orange (FR): Sobloo is now turning into a pure API data access service called “extensor”.
- EUMETSAT, with Mercator Ocean and ECMWF:
EO Data Access
EO Data Access and training material:
EO Processing platforms developed/involved within ESA contracts
Reference Data
Software tools
- Sentinel Toolbox, with SNAP (Sentinel Application Platform) developed by ESA
- Orfeo Toolbox, open-source processing of remote-sensing images.
- PolSARpro: Polarimetric SAR processing and Educational Toolbox
- Foundation EO models and more:
AI/ML Datasets